Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

High Elves - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can a mounted character purchase the Swordmaster Honour?

No. The Swordmaster Honour is for characters on foot only.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 15 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

When engaged in close combat with an enemy unit to their front, how many ranks do High Elf spearmen fight in?

Provided the unit has enough ranks, three ranks if the unit was stationary or two ranks if the unit charged that turn as is outlined in the Fight In Ranks section of the Warhammer Rulebook.

Source: Rulebook page 89 / High Elves Army Book page 7

Are the crew of a Repeater Bolt Thrower equipped with light armour?


Source: High Elves Army Book page 30 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

Can a High Elf Battle Standard Bearer be the army's General? If a High Elf army only takes one character, may it be a Battle Standard Bearer?

The High Elf Intrigue at Court rule overrides the normal rule that a Battle Standard Bearer may not be the army's general. If the Battle Standard Bearer's number comes up on the Intrigue at Court roll, then he is indeed the army's General. Note that it is still illegal for a High Elf army to field a Battle Standard Bearer as the only character. If the High Elf player rolls a 2+ on the Intrigue at Court roll, you could not choose the Battle Standard Bearer as the General, making the army illegal.

Source: High Elves Army Book pages 6, 25

Are models wearing Dragon armour immune to hits from the Screaming Skull Catapult, since they are flaming hits? Same question with the Chariot of Fire's impact hits (and Dwarf war machine with Rune of Burning, by the way).

They are only immune to 'pure' flame attacks such as flame cannons, Dragon's breath, warpfire throwers, Lore of Fire attack spells and the like. They are not immune to cannonballs, Chariot scythes, screaming skulls or anything else that also happens to be on fire! (Note: they are not immune to Tzeentch spells).

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117

Can Vaul's Unmaking be used to destroy the Casket of Souls or an Anvil of Doom?

No, they are not magic items.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117

Do spells, abilities, magic items, etc. which negate or otherwise affect magic items have an impact on High Elf Honours?

No. While they count against the magic item allowance for characters, Honours are NOT defined as magic items.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 15 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

Do Repeater Bolt Throwers suffer -1 for shooting multiple shots?

No, as they are classified as war machines, they do not suffer a -1 penalty.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 14 / Rulebook page 90 / High Elves on-line FAQ on the Games Workshop website

Do Swordmasters have Killing Blow? The description in the Warhammer rulebook for Killing Blow uses "Master swordsmen of the White Tower" as an example.

No, Swordmasters do not have Killing Blow. Only characters with the Swordmaster Honour have Killing Blow. The design team didn't want Swordmasters being too much like Dark Elf Executioners and the Swordmasters already have their own special ability.

Source: High Elves on-line FAQ on the Games Workshop website

The High Elf Blade of Darting Steel states that if an enemy also has the ability to strike first, then a D6 is rolled to determine who attacks first. However, other items with the same ability state that in such a situation, who strikes first is determined by who has the higher Initiative. Which is correct?

Each description is correct for its item. If a situation arises where there are two conflicting ways of resolving the issue, toll a dice to see which description is used for that round of combat.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 116

Do hits from the Bow of the Seafarer and the Reaver Bow count as magical?

Yes. any attack from a magic weapon counts as magical... same as any attack from a runed dwarf war machine does.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team

What is the effect of the Amulet of Purifying Flame (-3 to casting rolls on hero/unit) vs Bound Spells (vs the Casket of Souls more specifically)?

No effect against Bound Spells as they do not have a casting roll. Against the Casket of Souls, the -3 does take effect however, as it is cast like an Incantation, which work in the same manner as other spells.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117

How do you determine the correct Leadership value to use when the General is within range of the bearer of the Blessed Tome?

Individual units must each be within 6" of the bearer of the Blessed Tome to be affected by it. If within range of both the General and the Blessed Tome, they may use both the General's base Leadership, and the +1 for the Blessed Tome, up to a maximum Leadership of 10.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

What happens to character or unit that suffer from a psychological effect "Even if Immune to Psychology" such as a Hordes of Chaos character wearing the Helm of Many Eyes, a Strigoi Vampire, etc., when they come into contact with the High Elf Banner of Balance?

There is actually no contradiction there. The character or unit is immune to other forms of psychology but is still affected by the named psychological effect due to the "Even if Immune to Psychology" clause.

Source: High Elves Army Book page 19 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What happens when a unit of Witch Elves within 18" of the Dark Elf Cauldron of Blood (which states that the Witch Elves never lose frenzy) comes into contact with the High Elf Banner of Balance (which states that enemy units in contact are Immune to Psychology)?

While in contact with the Banner of Balance, the Witch Elves are not frenzied anymore as they become Immune to Psychology. As stated in a related Q&A in Warhammer Chronicles 2003 "Immune to Psychology is Immune to Psychology!" As soon as they leave contact with it, they regain their frenzied state immediately (when normally, a regular frenzied unit, beaten in combat would not).

Source: High Elves Army Book page 19 / Dark Elves Army Book page 10 / Warhammer Chronicles 2003 page 133 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

What is the correct description for the War Crown of Saphery which is worn by Teclis, High Loremaster of the White Tower?

Replace the 2nd paragraph with: "Any spell which is normally limited to a specific range in inches is now of unlimited range. Spells that only affect the caster, all units within a certain range of the caster, or may already be cast anywhere are not altered. Note that this does not mean that he can cast spells at targets that are out of sight if the spell normally requires line of sight."

Source: High Elves Army Book page 73 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 126

If Tyrion loses a combat, breaks, and then is caught and destroyed, would the Heart of Avelorn still work? In other words, would he still come back to life?

No, he has to lose his last Wound, in the same way as a character with Regenerate can't come back.

Source: High Elves on-line FAQ on the Games Workshop website

Where can I find the rules for the High Elf character, Alarielle - The Everqueen of Avelorn and her Handmaidens?

In Warhammer Chronicles 2003.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2003 page 114

Where can I find the rules for the High Elf character, Eltharion?

In Warhammer Chronicles 2004.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 76

If the White Sword is destroyed with Bane of Forged Steel, can Eltharion still use his fighting styles?

Yes. They are skills of his own, not skills that are gained through his weapon.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 117

Which comes first, the Master of the Mists extra round of shooting or the Bretonnian's praying for the Blessing?

The Bretonnian Prayer occurs before the Master of the Mists shooting.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can Ship's Company armed with spears fight in 3 ranks like other High Elves?

Yes. They are still High Elves.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Do units take panic tests as a result of the Master of the Mists round of shooting?


Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

If two Sea Patrols are fighting each other, who gets to shoot first with the Master of Mists special rules?

Roll a dice to see who gets to shoot first. Whoever rolls highest may choose one of his units and work out shooting from that unit, then the enemy chooses one unit and resolves its shooting. Continue to alternate shooting units until every unit that is allowed to shoot has done so.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Does the Master of the Mists Honour and the exemption from the Intrigue at Court rule only apply to Sea Lord Aislinn? If I am using the Sea Patrol army in a setting outside of the Storm of Chaos campaign, and choose to have the army led by a Sea Lord other than Aislinn, does he also benefit from the Master of the Mists Honour and the exemption from the Intrigue at Court rule?

The Master of the Mists Honour and the exemption from Intrigue at Court applies to all Sea Lords. The name of the Sea Lord at the time of the Storm of Chaos campaign happens to be Aislinn. Also note that Aislinn is not considered to be a "special character".

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

If during deployment, I attach a mounted character (e.g. a Sea Lord on a Dragon) to a unit of Sea Guard, may he also fire during the Master of the Mists special round of shooting?

No. The intent was that only characters on foot attached to a unit of Sea Guard or Sea Rangers would benefit from the special round of shooting.

Source: Andy Hoare - Warhammer Design Team

Can a Sea Lord (or Commodore) with the Radiant Gem of Hoeth or Loremaster Honour act as a mage for purposes of the Summoned from the Deep rule?

No. The special rule refers only to Storm Weavers and Mist Mages.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

During the Master of the Mists special round of shooting, may shots be directed at the flanks of enemy units?


Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

A Merwyrm must take an immediate Leadership test, using the leadership of the mage who has bound it, if it fails a Regeneration roll. If there is no regeneration roll (i.e. the Merwyrm has been wounded by a flaming attack), what happens?

A Leadership test is taken if the Merwyrm fails a Regeneration roll. If there is no Regeneration test, then it cannot be failed - thus the Merwyrm does not need to test.

Source: October 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #297 / UK #298)

Can a High Elf Sea Patrol army hire Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown units?

No. Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown are not listed as an option in the High Elf Sea Patrol army list.

Source: Storm of Chaos Book page 94 / Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team