Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Dogs of War / Regiments of Renown - Frequently Asked Questions
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Can Regiments of Renown or Dogs of War units be joined by non-Dogs of War Characters?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can other Warhammer armies hire non-named Dogs of War characters (i.e. Mercenary General, Hireling Wizard Lord, Paymaster, Mercenary Captain, Hireling Wizard) as a Rare choice?

No, you can't field these types of Dogs of War characters unless you're a Dogs of War army.

Source: Ian Hawkes - Warhammer Design Team

How are named standard bearers from Regiments of Renown handled in terms of capturing / losing standards?

As named standard bearers from Regiments of Renown are classified as characters they should be handled as Battle Standard Bearers in terms of capturing / losing banners.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 68 / Direwolf FAQ Council Interpretation

When charged by a chariot, do pike attacks go before impact hits?

No. The Warhammer Design Team has specifically stated that impact hits always happen before everything else in a combat, unless specifically noted otherwise. Therefore chariot impact hits qualify as a being "entitled to strike first because of a special ability" which per the rules for pikes "will still strike before pike-armed models."

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 57 / Rulebook page 128

When engaged in close combat with an enemy unit to their front, how many ranks do pikeman fight in?

Provided the unit has enough ranks, four ranks if the unit was stationary or three ranks if the unit charged that turn as is outlined in the Fight In Ranks section of the Warhammer Rulebook. Note that in cases where a pikemen unit consists of three ranks or less, all the ranks will fight when engaged with an enemy unit to their front, regardless of whether the unit was stationary or charged that turn.

Source: Rulebook page 89 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 57

In the description for the Paymaster it indicates that he is treated exactly like a Battle Standard. Is he therefore a allowed to carry a magic banner?

No. The reference in the Paymaster's rules directs players to treat the keys to the pay chest like a Battle Standard. Note that nowhere in the Rulebook does it state that a Battle Standard Bearer is entitled to carry a magic banner. It is the existing Sixth Edition army books which explicitly state that Battle Standard Bearers may carry magic banners. The Paymaster is not explicitly given the ability to carry a magic banner in the Dogs of War army list, therefore, he may not.

Source: Rulebook page 102 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 57

Do the Dwarf special rules apply to the Dogs of War Dwarfs as well?

Yes, all of the Dwarf special rules (Ancestral Grudge, Relentless, and Resolute) apply to Dwarf Dogs of War.

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 41

What is the correct number of attacks for Long Drong's Slayer Pirates?

Since the "Festooned With Pistols" special rule for the unit states they "gain an additional attack because they are fighting with a pistol in each hand", you should add 1 to the Attacks value in the displayed statline. Thus, Long Drong has 3 + 1 = 4 Attacks and each Pirate has 1 + 1 = 2 Attacks.

Source: Rulebook page 91 / Warhammer Chronicles 2004 page 65

Does Asarnil's Dragon have an armour save?

Yes, 3+ Scaly Skin save like most Dragons.

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 41

How are VPs awarded for Asarnil and his Dragon?

Asarnil is worth 130 VPs, his Dragon is worth 330 VPs.

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 41

Are all models with names counted as characters (for example, Asarnil's Dragon, the Giants of Albion) for challenges, etc.?

No only the leader counts (Asarnil and Hengist), in the cases you mentioned.

Source: US White Dwarf #258 page 41

Where can I find the rules for the special Dogs of War unit, Gotrek and Felix?

In the Warhammer Annual 2002.

Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 64

Where can I find the rules for the special Dogs of War unit, Witch Hunters (Johan Van Hal & Wilhelm Hasburg)?

In the Warhammer Annual 2002.

Source: Warhammer Annual 2002 page 119

Where can I find the rules for the Regiment of Renown, Mengil's Manflayers?

In White Dwarf Magazine.

Source: September 2004 Issue of White Dwarf Magazine (US #296 / UK #297)

Where can I find the rules for the Dark Emissary, Truthsayer, and Fenbeasts?

In Warhammer Chronicles 2003.

Source: Warhammer Chronicles 2003 pages 14-16

Can you have more than one Dark Emissary (or Truthsayer) in an army?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can you have a Dark Emissary and a Truthsayer in the same army?

Certainly not!

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)