Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Beasts of Chaos - Frequently Asked Questions
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May a Beasts of Chaos character with the Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, or Slaanesh ride in a Tuskgor Chariot?

No. All Tuskgor Chariots have the Mark of Chaos Undivided and only characters bearing the same Mark (Undivided) can ride in the chariot.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Beasts of Chaos Army Book pages 55, 60

When exactly do Ambushing units move onto the table?

During the Remaining Moves step of the Movement phase the turn the brayhorn is sounded. Note that the Beasts of Chaos player sounds the brayhorn, marks his intended entry points, and takes the Ambush leadership tests before the Rally Fleeing Troops step of the Movement phase.

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 18 / Rulebook pages 44, 76

With the Unliving Idol gift (Beasts of Chaos, page 62), the Daemon counts as a Beast General when choosing the army. Does it mean that you can have in that case a Shaggoth in this army?

Oh, sneaky! Still, the answer is no. It was our intention that a general who is a Daemon would not have Shaggoths in the same army (even if the Daemon counted as a Beast for army selection).

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

Can a mortal general that becomes a Daemon with the Chalice of Chaos (Hordes of Chaos, page 53) take a Shaggoth in his army?


Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If you inflict enough wounds in hand-to-hand to a Beast Herd to kill all the Gors (including the command), what happens? Can you "save" the command by allocating two wounds to Ungors? If not, are the standard and instrument lost or can Ungors pick them up?

You cannot choose to remove Ungors instead. If the Gor command are slain, the Ungors cannot pick up the standard or instrument.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

When lapping around the enemy with Beast Herds, will Gors normally push past the Ungors to get to the enemy and thus be the first models "lapping" around?

No. According to the rules for Beastmen Herds the herd adjusts it's formation when intially charged or charging. It is silent as to the topic of lapping around, therefore the main rules take precendence and Ungors in the "rear" ranks will normally lap around first.

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 19 / Rulebook page 77

What is the proper procedure for allocating / removing casualties in close combat from Beast Herds containing both Gors and Ungors?

If your unit only touches Gors at the start of the combat, the models with the highest Initiative value's attacks can only score wounds on Gors. This round of attacks can rack up no more wounds than the number of Gors, not counting additional wounds from other circumstances (overkill, etc.). Any killed Gor models in the front rank would be replaced, by Gors if available, otherwise by Ungors. The models with the next highest Initiative value's attacks would then proceed, and those attacking models touching more than one type of model have to say what they're attacking against. Again, attacks against Gors can score no more wounds than the number of Gors. Also, attacks against Ungors can score no more wounds than the number of Ungors. At the Gor's Initiative value in the sequence, the survivors of the original front row (if any) can fight against their attackers. The Ungors would not get to strike in this round of close combat, unless they had models able to strike at the start of the combat round (with spears for instance) that were not killed.

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 19 / Rulebook page 68

If a Beast Herd is hit by a template, how do you allocate the wounds? Are the models under the template the only ones that can be hit? Or can you allocate the wounds affecting Gors under the template to Ungors out of the template?

The template only kills the types of models touched, so the wounds are not transferred onto Ungors in this case.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

If an Unruly unit (i.e. a Beast Herd) declares a charge vs. a fear causing unit and fails the required fear check (thus not moving) does a subsequent Unruly result (i.e. a roll of "1" at the start of the compulsory movement phase) give the Unruly unit another chance to charge the fear causing unit? Or does the original failed fear test take precedence?

Units failing an Unruly test must charge "if there is an enemy unit that can be charged using the normal rules". When a unit fails a fear test when wishing to charge, the main rulebook indicates that the unit "may not charge or shoot and must remain stationary in that Movement phase". As they are disallowed from charging or moving per the "normal rules', the original failed fear test takes precedence. Basically, Unruly is a drawback, and so it would seem odd if they could charge because of it, when normally they would not be able to.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 18 / Rulebook page 81

Should a player roll for Unruly units (i.e. Beast Herds) if they have just rallied that turn?

No. The Unruly rules indicate "if there is an enemy unit that can be charged using the normal rules". When a unit rallies it is unable to move that turn, and thus is not eligible to declare a charge. Basically, Unruly is a drawback, and so it would seem odd if they could charge because of it, when normally they would not be able to. I'd rather not have a situation when a player wants to be Unruly.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team / Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 18 / Rulebook page 45

How does a chariot's impact hits work against a Beast herd? Are causalties removed like shooting (so, removing Ungors first?)?

Casualties are caused against models in base contact first, so Gors will normally be struck by the chariot first. Any further hits are randomised.

Source: Anthony Reynolds - Warhammer Design Team (Online Q&A on the Games Workshop Warhammer Forum)

How many Beasts characters are able to wear Chaos Armour in an army?

One. "Chaos Armour" is a magic item in the Beasts of Chaos book. Per the magic items section of the main rulebook, "No specific magic item can be carried by more than one model in the army, with the exception of scrolls."

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 63 / Rulebook page 152

Can Great Bray-Shamans or Bray-Shamans wear magic armour?

Generally no as characters without the option to wear mundane armour may not wear magical armour, however there is one exception. The magic item "Chaos Armour" in the Beasts of Chaos book states "May be given to a Bray-Shaman". Note that the magic item also states that "A model may wear Chaos Armour and still cast spells."

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book pages 52, 53, 63

Can mortal characters wear the Trollhide armour or are they "stuck" wearing Chaos armour?

Mortal characters may drop their Chaos armour to wear the Trollhide armour. The Beasts of Chaos book indicates that mortals may use any magic items not specifically barred in the item's description.

Source: Beasts of Chaos Army Book page 62

How does the spell Green Fire of Tzeentch work against a Beast Herd?

In a mixed unit, the models will hit other models of the same type. So, the Gors will all hit other Gors, and Ungors will all hit other Ungors.

Source: Gav Thorpe - Warhammer Design Team