Source: Warhammer Fantasy: 6th Edition

Printable Cards: The Lore of High Magic
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Drain Magic (Signature)

Casting Value: 5+

This spell can be cast at three different levels. Choose before you attempt to cast the spell - the casting number varies accordingly.

LevelCasting NumberDice Rolls Discarded
27+5s & 6s
39+4s, 5s & 6s

Whichever you choose, the spell may be cast on a single enemy Wizard within 24" of the caster and may be cast into close combat. If successful, the victim's spells will be weaker. Whenever the victim rolls to cast a spell, discard any rolls of a 6/5/4 (depending on the level of the spell) before calculating the total casting value of the roll. Note that as the dice are discarded, any Irresistible Force and some Fortune is Fickle results are ignored.

The spell lasts until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

The Lore of High Magic

1. Walk Between Worlds

Casting Value: 4+

This only affects the caster, and only if he is on foot. The caster becomes ethereal. He can only be hit by magical weapons and can move through obstacles and through impassable or difficult terrain as if it was open ground. The caster is affected by spells as normal, and may cast spells himself and fight as normal. Lasts until the start of the caster's next Magic phase.

The Lore of High Magic

2. Curse of Arrow Attraction

Casting Value: 6+

This may be cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster. Any missile fire directed at the unit in the following Shooting phase may re-roll any failed rolls to hit. If the unit is targeted by a template or breath weapon then you may re-roll to hit any models which are partially covered. The Curse has no effect on close combat.

The Lore of High Magic

3. Fortune is Fickle

Casting Value: 7+

Remains in play. This may be cast on an enemy Wizard within 24" of the caster and may be cast into close combat. Whenever the victim rolls any double (even a double 6) to cast a spell it is a Miscast. In addition, any double rolled by the opposing player whilst attempting to dispel will fail (even a double 6).

The spell lasts until it is dispelled, the Mage chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell, or is slain.

The Lore of High Magic

4. Fury of Khaine

Casting Value: 8+

The Fury of Khaine is a magic missile with a range of up to 24". If successfully cast, it strikes its target causing 2D6 Strength 4 hits.

The Lore of High Magic

5. Flames of the Phoenix

Casting Value: 11+

Remains in play. This may be cast on an enemy unit within 24". Each model, including characters and unit champions, takes a Strength 3 hit immediately. If the spell is still in play at the start of the caster's next Magic phase, each model in the unit takes a Strength 4 hit. If still in play at the start of the caster's following Magic phase, each model takes a Strength 5 hit, and so on, with the Strength increasing by 1 each turn it remains in play. The spell lasts until dispelled, the Mage chooses to end it (which he can do at any time), attempts to cast another spell or is slain.

The Lore of High Magic

6. Vaul's Unmaking

Casting Value: 12+

May be cast on an enemy unit within 24" of the caster and may be cast into close combat. If successfully cast, the owner of the unit must reveal to the caster all the magic items in the unit. The caster then chooses one of them to be nullified for the rest of the battle. The spell itself does not remain in play, but the effect lasts for the remainder of the battle.

Vaul's Unmaking can drain the magic from Dwarf rune items. Note that all the runes on an individual item will be drained by the spell, not just one.

If the unit has no magic items then the spell has no effect.

The Lore of High Magic